April 30, 2023
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by Sensei Keith

Earlier in this series, we referenced different martial arts that have great track records for both fitness and self-defense. One style that often is thought of in both categories is kickboxing. While there are different styles of kickboxing such as Muay Thai, Savate, and American, for the purpose of this discussion, we will look at the benefits of kickboxing wholistically. Like many martial arts, kickboxing requires building muscle strength, coordination, and cardiovascular endurance.

Looking at the fitness benefits that can be realized from embracing kickboxing, individuals who are searching for a robust workout need not look further. A student will embark on rigorous training regimens during the course of their studies.  Exercises and techniques are learned and practiced in class and on a student’s own time.  Over time, the discipline will help improve a student’s physical abilities. Adrienne Santos-Longhurst wrote that the general embracing of kickboxing has been “linked to increased balance and weight loss” (Santos-Longhurst, 2019). The cardio workout that a student engages in will help burn calories and endurance. Additionally, learning kickboxing techniques such as footwork, punching and kicking combinations, muscle strength, coordination, and balance have been shown to improve in many students.

As we examine the self-defense aspect of kickboxing, we understand that no discipline is flawless. Different students will develop varying skill levels through natural ability, commitment, and time spent training.  Having said that, kickboxing, and many elements of the discipline that are found in other styles, still ranks as a top style for self-defense.  Charles, Earley, noted that Kickboxing and Muay Thai are “incredibly effective for both health and self-defense” (Earley, 2022). Muay Thai specifically is thought of as a significant, if not a superior striking art. Its use of varying body parts, including knees and elbows, to strike and defend makes this system powerful, adaptable, and effective.

Fuzion Martial Arts offers a robust kickboxing curriculum based on Muay Thai methods and is certified through AKANA. We teach teens and adults how to live healthier by challenging everyone to grow in their personal fitness and self-defense abilities. We assist students on an individual level to challenge themselves and grow. We train as a team, supporting each other in our journey and building self-confidence. If you have questions about how Fuzion might be able to help you in your fitness and self-defense journey, please do not hesitate to reach out.

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